(727) 347-1389
Knowing a few tricks can increase your chances of having a successful fishing trip.
COOL LIVEWELL: During the heat of summer high water temperatures can kill the bait in your well. Place a few frozen gallon-sized jugs of water in the cooler. When you move onto the flats, place one in the live well. This will keep the water temperature in the well cool enough to keep the bait alive. When most of the ice in the jug melts, replace it with a new one and use the old one to pour on a towel. Place the towel around your neck so you can stay cooler.
CLEAN COOLER: Use a commercial grade trash bag to place your fish in. They can be found in most large hardware stores. This will keep the fish slime from trashing your cooler.
CHUMBOMB: Use a small paper bag and fill it with chopped bait. Use the heavy weight on a large rod and place it into the bag. Tape it shut and lower it over the rocks you are fishing. After a few minutes, jerk the rod hard and break the bag open. This will put your chum right over the spot your fishing. Reel in the bag and start fishing straight under the boat.
ANCHORING: When bottom fishing offshore, knowing the direction of the boat at anchor is very important. After the first stop, look at the compass heading before moving to the next spot. Head in that direction when you move over that spot. Drop the anchor and you should drift right back to your spot.