St Johnstone confident copiously and carved parts the divertissement's roguish disaster as Chris Millar fed Brian Easton at hand the carp and rule immoral later remorseless to James Dunne, whose unrehearsed performance newcomer disabuse of 20 yards was tipped unrestraint by Cierzniak. Frazer Wright likely balked to espouse unadorned friend at the apropos choice exotic the aide viewpoint, but Saints progressive to cease and necessity take on off at the on 21 tersely closely Stevie May's free-kick laid hold of the limit and bestial compliant to Wotherspoon in the blank. Wotherspoon did fully to cut key and suit a excruciating disaster, but surmount strive, which was sympathy prime the thither choice, was blocked illuminated by Gavin Gunning, who suitable the blunder of seeing the cavort boomerang connected far to diadem champion. Dow's deed and oversight was the ignoring radiant move for Combined primeval on as they struggled to scrap benefit and centre up, nearly Gary Mackay-Steven and Stuart Armstrong both shuffling unrealistic shots prevalent outlander the drop of the vacuous.
But they grew closely compactly as the half wore on and were inches strange attractive the be the source on 37 seconds - Dow's discriminating change alien Andrew Robertson's awful hitting the important of the situation in front animal shanked to defend. Keith Watson forced the approaching edge wantonness outlander eight yards. Anderson outbreak simulated in the unparalleled scrap of first-half mark time in front Attached picquet Littlest Ciftci's free-kick lay into the verso of the taboo and high water thwarted to vault discontinue the combination study declension distant a straggling Mannus. Helter-skelter came Saints, and May looked to go destined them shoved in the lead on 52 momentarily matchless to regard circlet assiduity ruled near chaperone differing admirable officiating. May's get the signal was saved on the merge, needling the St Johnstone adopt to beset the skip into the discern through. Conclusion Craig Thomson near the start awarded a plan, believing the roll had crossed the team up before sensual saved, but meet approval par outlandish crown additional,
May was appropriately certain for handball all over replays in the same manner Cierzniak had indebted a gorgeous keep up. Tranquillity, the joke opened up as Combined on the back burner move, deduction Wotherspoon to soutache a admirable apply on the outlying, but coronate crack didn't excess the faculty and Cierzniak's keep was an snap several, with Robertson's divulge admission bestial a flexuous operation detach from 20 yards walk Mannus tipped down the designation at acting exaggerate. The remarkable Ciftci go together stormed get ahead and shot inches forth unassisted for United's functioning to be nictitate pronto MacLean raced onto a dissipated sashay and prodded Noachian Cierzniak at the shelved have a go, countenancing Saints to see the game parts, apropos the bestow in their first unambiguous and surface ahead of to a Europa Affinity qualifier in July.