There's been nothing to signal that Arian Foster will be healthy any time soon. He has missed every projected return date the Texans have set for him, including today. It all stated with an innocent calf strain in May. After that pain subsided, Foster was bothered by pain in his back that, if was revealed Monday, has now moved into his legs. But head coach Gary Kubiak remains confident that Foster will suit up Sept. 9.
"I am, because I watch him work," Kubiak said. "I've been watching him -- he's basically going through practice or has been since we've been in camp on his own with (head trainer) Geoff (Kaplan). And, obviously, there's been a little setback as we try to get the soreness out of him. But from what I've seen, yes, because it's not like he's been standing around for the last three weeks."
Fantasy Analysis:
We'll see, but this story just gets more and more frustrating, and I doubt Foster will see any field time during the preseason. His sluggish recovery from these soft-tissue injuries feels like one big foreshadowing device. It would be no surprise if Foster's body continues to nag him throughout the season after taking on more than 1,100 touches since 2010. Ben Tate 's ADP should be moving up, and if I'm drafting today, I think I would put Foster ninth or 10th in my RB rankings, somewhere between Marshawn Lynch and Matt Forte.